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At Kettering Park Junior school we follow both the PiXL units of work and Jigsaw for e-safety. We begin with an E-safety unit in Years 3-5 in September and then all these year groups have a refresher session every long term to recap key points and to address anything new. Year 6 complete an e-safety lesson at the beginning of every term as this allows constant review of key aspects that are being taught and helps us to link these lessons with anything new we are aware children are accessing or able to access. We also celebrate Safer Internet Day with a whole school focus on how to be safe online.

Each unit covers the sharing of personal information online, how to search and explore the internet safely, accessing emails, games, apps and social media including which are appropriate, communicating online and cyber bullying. We provide them with scenarios they may find themselves in and ways they can keep themselves safe in these scenarios. We also repeatedly explore how to behave appropriately and stay smart online to keep themselves safe.


Useful websites for Children about E-safety

There are lots of great things to do on the Internet but, you also need to know how to stay safe online and what to do if you come across something you don’t like.


Useful websites for Parents and Carers about E-safety

Below are links to information and advice for parents and carers around how to keep you and your child safe online:


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