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Key Contacts for Inclusion Within School:

Headteacher: Ann Walker

SENCo: Angie James

SEND Governor: Sarah Lambert


Inclusion Team:

Head Teacher Ann Walker
SENCo Angie James
Family Support Worker Tina Pearce
Learning Mentor Joanne Parkes
Wellbeing Assistant Georgie Elmore
EAL Assistant Sukie Braich


Outside Services:

  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Link Educational Psycologist
  • Specialist Support Services
  • LA SEND Officer
  • Inclusion Support Partnership
  • Star SEN Support (Dyslexia Assessor)
  • Teacher of the Deaf
  • EHCP Teams



Kettering Park Junior Academy is located near the centre of Kettering and serves a relatively disadvantaged neighbourhood. We are proud to reflect diversity with 26% of our children coming from Minority Ethnic communities, 10% Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and 27% being Pupil Premium children.

Kettering Park Junior is committed to providing an inclusive education for all by meeting the needs of children who experience barriers to learning, particularly in relation to the provision for specific groups of learners, including:

  • Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)
  • Children who have English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Children who are newly arrived from overseas, including refugees and asylum seekers
  • Children from black and minority ethnic groups (BME)
  • Children who are able, gifted or talented (A,G &T)
  • Children who are looked after (LAC)
  • Children with disabilities
  • Children who are transient (mobile)
  • Children who are infrequent attendees
  • Children excluded or at risk of exclusion
  • Disadvantaged children eligible for Pupil Premium Funding

Many children will face barriers to learning at some point in their school career and at Kettering Park Junior Academy we recognise that children may fall into more than one of the groups identified above, interventions are based on individual pupil’s needs.



  • To ensure equality of opportunity for, and to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against, children with barriers to learning.
  • To continually monitor the progress of all children, to identify needs as they arise and to provide support at the earliest opportunity.
  • To continuously develop our ways of working in order to provide the highest quality of teaching provision for all our children with the resources available.
  • To identify the role and responsibilities of staff in ensuring the inclusion of children.
  • To provide clear guidance for all the school’s stakeholders regarding the implementation of the Code of Practice within the school.
  • To enable children to move on from us well equipped in the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and social independence.
  • To involve parents/carers at every stage in plans to meet their child’s additional needs.
  • To involve children themselves in planning and in any decision making that affects them. 
  • Make contact with other support services in consultation with the Headteacher and class teachers.
  • Report to governors as requested by the Headteacher.
  • Work in conjunction with the class teachers.
  • Lead INSET on SEND/EAL/PP in school as appropriate.
  • Keep their own skills updated by reading, researching & attending INSET on SEND and appropriate related external courses.



English as an Additional Language (EAL) or newly arrived to the country

At Kettering Park Junior Academy the SENCo and EAL Assistant work with the Class Teachers and Learning Partners to assess, support and monitor the acquisition of English of newly arrived pupils. The main focus is on understanding key vocabulary and concepts. We encourage the use of translation apps to enable understanding from one language to another. 

As much as possible, all children, including newly arrived children and their families, are welcomed to the school by either the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENCo, Family Support Worker or EAL Assistant through an induction meeting. 

Assessment for EAL children and children with SEND needs will be looked at using the following indicators:

  • Slow work rate compared with peers
  • Little response to intervention
  • Specific weaknesses in language development and literacy skills (this includes home language difficulties)
  • Poor listening and attention skills
  • Parental concern
  • Emotional and behavioural difficulties


Race equality

We are categorically opposed to all forms of racism and racist behaviours. At Kettering Park Junior Academy we work hard to ensure that all languages and cultures are given equal status and respect.  As such, the curriculum reflects the context of the school community and children and staff are given opportunities to celebrate diversity.

We are aware that not all conflict between children from different ethnic backgrounds is of a racist nature. However, where racist incidents do occur, staff will follow the agreed procedures:

  • Act immediately to stop or prevent any incident
  • Inform the Headteacher or a member of the senior leadership team, who will investigate the incident further
  • Make a log of the incident and inform parents (where appropriate), including any further actions to be taken
  • Follow up the incident with the class teacher, who may choose to address the issue during PSMHE
  • Report serious incidents to the Local Authority and Governors


Able, Gifted or Talented (AG&T)

Kettering Park Junior Academy offers a rich and diverse curriculum to all of its children.  Through this varied curriculum, children are able to demonstrate strengths in particular subjects or aspects of learning. Gifted generally refers to academic success, whereas talented describes a particular aptitude in sports or the arts.  

As part of the on-going assessment procedures, teachers may identify children who are performing significantly higher than their peers.  In such cases, teachers speak to subject leaders for advice on differentiation. Parents are informed if their child has a particular flair in a subject and encouraged to support this further out of school.  

Class teachers are responsible for planning provision for children who are identified as gifted ort talented.  This includes providing an adequate level of challenge within the classroom, which may be through questioning, the nature of the task or level of support. Other provision may include ‘one-off’ activities, for example taking part in specific visits, inter-school sports challenges and competitions.   


Children eligible for Pupil Premium Funding

We will ensure that these children are treated equally and as favourably as others and that the additional funding is used well to address the challenges they face.  The school will use the additional funding to promote the achievement and progress of all entitled children.  Through the use of this additional funding we are fully committed to ensuring that the individual needs of each entitled child are met.  As a result of the additional funding, these children will make better progress and achieve higher standards than would have been likely without it.

The school will report on the effectiveness and impact of Pupil Premium Funding and publish this on their website. Please refer to this for further details on how this funding is used to support children.  


Looked After Children (LAC)

When children are accommodated away from the family home, they are referred to as being looked after. It is vital that all adults who are working with looked after children are aware of the circumstances and are sensitive to the needs of the child.  

A monitoring form is completed termly and discussed at meetings with the team surrounding the child.  The information is returned to the Local Authority (Virtual School) in order to safeguard the child’s educational opportunities and to ensure that they achieve. The Inclusion Manager is also responsible for carrying out termly PEP meetings to ensure that provision is in place to ensure successful outcomes for the child. 


Children with disabilities

Kettering Park Junior Academy is a single level site.  Entrance to the school is wheelchair accessible. There is currently a hygiene suite for children and adults who require this. The use of interactive whiteboards and high quality interactive screens increases visibility for all learners.

The school works alongside the Specialist Support Service (SSS). The school receives support for children with specific hearing loss and/or visual impairments, and staff undergo specific training to support these individuals.  

Learning opportunities are absorbing, rewarding and highly differentiated. Schemes of work for each area of the curriculum are in place and differentiated to include appropriate learning outcomes for all children. Children with sensory or mobility impairments or a specific learning difficulty may access the curriculum through specialist resources, such as ICT or specialist equipment.



Children who are transient

Where children transfer to Kettering Park Junior Academy, an admission meeting is organised with either the Head, Deputy Headteacher, SENCo or Family Support worker.  During this meeting, information is sought about previous educational experiences and personal circumstances that may be relevant. This meeting is also an opportunity to discuss the school’s aims and values and the desire to work in partnership with parents/carers. Information from previous schools is sought as a matter of urgency. This enables staff to quickly plan work that is matched to pupil need, provides details of whether external agencies were involved with the pupil at their previous school and also ensures any social care involvement is maintained.

Class teachers and the Learning Mentor support the integration of transient children, for example, ensuring they have a known ‘buddy’ on the playground, encouraging new children to join lunchtime clubs, working alongside new children both formally and informally, to make certain children are welcomed and feel part of the school community.


Children who are infrequent attendees

Our Family support Worker contacts families on the first day of absence to ensure that there is an appropriate reason for children not being in school. Where necessary, the Family Support Worker and the Learning Mentor will also make home visits, bringing children into school if this is appropriate. For children who have missed significant periods of time from school, every effort is made for appropriate catch-up programs to be put into place.



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